To be fair, I am going to call out Trump and the Republicans

I’m only being fair here, read my other articles, I have been biased.

2 min readSep 2, 2020
Source: Newsweek

Dear Donald Trump, I support you. I think you’re the best and very needed disruption our establishment needed. You made an amazing economy for everyone, did a great deal in regards to trade and worldwide peace relations, and did a lot for the African American community like the first step act and opportunity zones.

However Trump, Please do more about police misconduct and create real, tangible reforms. Also, pressure the republicans and senate to work with Democrats and come up with a Bipartisan Police Reform bill. Our country is in deseperate need for some unity, Please do it. Schedule a meeting with Pelosi or Schumer or invite civil rights leaders to the White House. Do something, please!

Also Trump, you need to continue campaigning on Law and Order. However, this is a pivotal movement to bring voters into your camp. Redirect the movement to a Equal Law and Order campaign. Have universal sentencing, no ranges. Example: commuting Arson gives you 5 years, not 5 to 10. Work with Police Unions and Civil Rights leaders to meet in the middle. We need some form of unity and now.

Donald Trump, not only are you in a position to make America great and keep America great. But you have the possibility of making yourself great for the coming years by being the president that brought effective change.

Now Republicans, especially supporters not just those in office. Stop with the “proportional” counterpoint arguements. Just because someone says ACAB does not mean you should say all protestors are not peaceful. You did not like the generalization in the beginning, so do not generalize the protestors. We can not fight fire with fire. Stop doing it, come up with actual counterpoints. Maybe say something along the lines of THIS PARTICULAR situation is not ok or acceptable.

Mitch McConnell, your career politics is tiring. Your staunch resistance to addressing the problems in America’s Justice system is why many young people are not voting Republican anymore. I think it’s time you retire and have someone else fill your role.

Republicans, both supporters and in office, I am right leaning and I will vote mostly republican. However, times have changed. The party needs to catch up to modern times and support real change and reform. We need to stop hiding in this imaginary bubble that all of this stuff is myth and not real. We need our representatives to represent.

